
Concerto(saxophone Orchestre) Saxophone Et Piano 薩氏管鋼琴

$2,170TWD - $2,170TWD
$2,170TWD - $2,170TWD

亨利-托馬西(Henri Tomasi,1901-1971 年)於 1949 年創作的《中音薩克斯管與樂隊協奏曲》是獻給法國著名薩克斯管演奏家馬塞爾-穆勒的。它是作為巴黎音樂學院比賽曲目而創作的,1949 年由穆勒親自演奏。本出版物是中音薩克斯管與鋼琴協奏曲的改編本。 它分為兩個樂章,以一段隱秘的引子開始,隨後是一段快板,讓人聯想到引子。第二樂章為快板,最後出人意料地以一組強烈的快速音符結束,並彙聚成強勁的拉格。 亨利-托馬西是法國作曲家、指揮家和 1927 年羅馬大獎賽的獲獎者,他為小號、小提琴、中提琴、單簧管、長號、圓號、雙簧管長笛創作了各種協奏曲(16 首),以及芭蕾舞劇、管弦樂、圓舞曲和其他作品""

作曲家: Henri Tomasi
出版社: Alphonse Leduc


“Composed in 1949, the Concerto pour saxophone alto et orchestra by Henri Tomasi (1901-1971) was dedicated to Marcel Mule, a renowned French Saxophonist. It was written as a Paris Conservatoire Contest piece and was performed by Mule himself in 1949. This publication is the Alto Saxophone and Piano adaptation of the Concerto. Written in two movements, it begins with a secretive introduction leading to a cadenza that reminds of the introduction. It follows on the second part with an Allegro which finishes unexpectedly on an intense suite of fast notes to congregate on a strong Largo. Henri Tomasi is the French composer, conductor and winner of the Grand Prix de Rome in 1927, He composed a variety of concerti (16) for Trumpet, Violin, Viola, Clarinet, Trombone, Horn, Oboe Flute, as well as Ballets, Orchestra, Ballades and other pieces.”
頁數: 28
重量(g): 141.75
UPC: 888680893507
