Concerto Pour Flute Et Orchestre (partition De Poche) 伊貝爾 協奏曲長笛 長笛
"儘管雅克-伊伯特的學業因第一次世界大戰而中斷,但他第一次嘗試就贏得了羅馬大獎,證明了他的作曲能力,例如他的《長笛與管弦樂隊協奏曲》。 伊伯特的長笛協奏曲創作於 1934 年,正是他職業生涯的巔峰時期。這部作品輕鬆愉快,展現了作曲家喜歡使用的溫和幽默和喜慶氣氛。然而,與之形成鮮明對比的是抒情和令人回味的段落。伊伯特的《長笛協奏曲》適合高級水準的長笛演奏者,包含完整的管弦樂譜,是長笛演奏曲目中清晰、悅耳、多樣的補充""
作曲家: Jacques Ibert
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Despite his studies being interrupted by WWI, Jacques Ibert won the Grand Prix de Rome on his first attempt, proving his significant compositional ability, such as his Concerto for Flute and Orchestra. Ibert's Concerto for Flute was composed in 1934, at the height of his professional career. The work is lighthearted, depicting the composer's favoured use of gentle humour and festivity. These are, however, contrasted by lyrical and evocative passages. Suitable for advanced level flautists, and containing the full orchestral score, this edition of Ibert's Concerto for Flute is a clear, pleasant and varied addition to the Flute's repertoire.”