
Concerto In F Minor (trombone And Piano) 韓德爾 協奏曲 長號 鋼琴

$970TWD - $970TWD
$970TWD - $970TWD

"G.F.亨德爾的《F小調協奏曲》是巴黎歌劇院獨奏家安德列-拉弗塞(André Lafosse)為長號和鋼琴改編的曲目。這首協奏曲難度很大,需要高級演奏家的技巧和能力才能演奏好。這首協奏曲旋律優美,適合在獨奏會上演奏。 它分為四個部分: I. 序曲 II. 快板 III. Sarabande Largo IV. 快板 鋼琴引入第一部分和第三部分,與第二部分和最後一部分相比,這兩部分的速度相當緩慢。 亨德爾(G.F. Handel)是德國著名作曲家,以歌劇、清唱劇和協奏曲聞名

作曲家: George Frideric Handel
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Concerto in F minor by G.F. Handel is a piece transcribed for Trombone and Piano by André Lafosse, soloist at the Paris Opera. Quite difficult, for it to be played well this piece will require the skills and abilities of advanced players. This concerto is a really melodious piece to play in recitals. It is divided into four sections: I. Grave II. Allegro III. Sarabande Largo IV. Allegro The Piano introduces first and the third parts, which are quite slow compared to the second one and the final. G.F. Handel was a German composer famous for his operas, oratorios and concertos.”

頁數: 16
重量(g): 87.885
UPC: 888680867829

