Concerto in D major op. 35 for violin and orchestra 康戈爾德 協奏曲 大調 小提琴管弦樂團 小提琴加鋼琴 歐伊倫堡版
科恩戈爾德的小提琴協奏曲作品 35 是最常演奏的曲目之一。35 是音樂史上演奏次數最多的小提琴協奏曲之一。現在,Eulenburg 出版了一本方便易讀的袖珍樂譜,讓學生和音樂愛好者可以學習這部 1947 年首演的傑作
作曲家: Korngold, Erich Wolfgang
樂器: violin and orchestra
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH
I Moderato nobile - II Romance - III Finale
Korngold's violin concerto op. 35 is one of the most frequently performed violin concertos in the history of music. There is hardly any violin virtuoso and hardly any outstanding conductor who does not have this work in their repertoire.Now a handy, easily readable pocket score has been published by Eulenburg which allows students and music lovers to study the masterpiece which premièred in 1947.