Concerto G minor RV 531, PV 411, F III/2 Urtext 韋瓦第 協奏曲小調 歌詞 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
中提琴協奏曲誕生於 17 世紀的義大利。由於威尼斯作曲家安東尼奧-維瓦爾第(Antonio Vivaldi,1678-1741 年)的貢獻,今天不僅有大量華麗的小提琴協奏曲,還有相當數量的大提琴協奏曲。在他的協奏曲中,有二十多首是獻給大提琴的,其中包括最著名的雙協奏曲:1770 年後創作的 G 小調雙中提琴、絃樂隊和低音提琴協奏曲(RV 531)。這部作品音色悅耳,週邊樂章俏皮可愛,大段樂章極富表現力
作曲家: Vivaldi, Antonio
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
校訂者: Balser, Susanne
樂器: 2 cellos, string orchestra and basso continuo
出版社: Schott Music
The genre of the violoncello concerto was born in 17th-century Italy. Thanks to the Venetian composer Antonio Vivaldi (16781741), there exists today not only a wealth of magnificent violin concertos but also quite a number of cello concertos to whose development he contributed considerably. More than two dozen of his concertos are dedicated to the violoncello, including the probably most famous double concerto: the Concerto for two violoncellos, string orchestra and basso continuo in G minor (RV 531) written after 1770. The sonorous work with its playful outer movements and expressive largo is published in this critical new edition on the basis of the sources.