
Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra Piano Concerto No. 2 阿侯 協奏曲鋼琴弦樂團協奏曲 總譜 芬尼卡·蓋爾曼版

$2,130TWD - $2,130TWD
$2,130TWD - $2,130TWD

卡列維-阿霍的第二鋼琴協奏曲是為一個由二十名演奏家組成的絃樂隊譜寫的。首演於 2003 年 6 月 29 日在 Vilppula 教堂舉行的 Mänttä 音樂節閉幕音樂會上。獨奏者是安蒂-西拉拉(Antti Siirala),拉赫蒂交響樂團的弦樂由奧斯莫-萬斯卡(Osmo Vänskä)指揮。西拉拉對 "貝多芬-李斯特-勃拉姆斯 "鋼琴傳統的出色駕馭能力是這首鋼琴曲高難度創作的主要原因。鋼琴聲部時而精簡、線性,時而又包含多層次、音色飽滿的鋼琴紋理和巨大的滾動八度音階。這首協奏曲對演奏者的藝術表現力要求極高。第二鋼琴協奏曲》長約半小時,由三個無標題樂章組成,演奏時沒有間歇。第一樂章和終曲速度極快;這些週邊樂章包含大量俏皮的音樂。慢板第二樂章的基調較為嚴肅,鋼琴的質感非常充沛。終曲結尾處高難度的快板也為尾聲帶來了更為嚴肅的情緒"

作曲家: Aho, Kalevi
樂器: piano and string orchestra
出版社: Fennica Gehrman
Kalevi Aho's Piano Concerto No. 2 is scored for a string orchestra comprising just twenty players. The first performance took place at the concluding concert of the 2003 Mänttä Music Festival, in Vilppula Church on 29th June. The soloist was Antti Siirala and the strings of the Lahti Symphony Orchestra were conducted by Osmo Vänskä. The demanding piano writing is primarily a consequence of Siirala's remarkable command of the ‘Beethovenian-Lisztian-Brahmsian' pianistic tradition. At times the piano part is lean and linear, but the work also contains multi-layered, full-toned piano textures and massive rolling octaves. The concerto requires great artistry on the part of the performer. The Second Piano Concerto lasts roughly half an hour and comprises three untitled movements played without a break. The first movement and the finale are extremely fast; these outer movements contain plenty of playful music. The slow second movement is more serious in tone, and its piano texture is very ample. The difficult cadenza at the end of the finale brings more serious emotions to the coda as well.

頁數: 139
重量(g): 0
ISMN: 9790550116412

