
Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 2 based on Hindustani themes 奇澤姆 協奏曲鋼琴管弦樂團 主題 雙鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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$1,480TWD - $1,480TWD

第二鋼琴協奏曲》於 1949 年在開普敦首演,次年在英國廣播公司第三廣播節目中播出。它受到了評論界的熱烈歡迎,歐尼斯特-紐曼(Ernest Newman)寫道:"我對作曲家將印度斯坦的表達方式與歐洲的思維方式和設計因素融合為一個有機整體的技巧特別感興趣。這首曲子在作曲家生前曾多次演出和播出,但在他去世後就再也沒有聽過了,直到 2007 年,BBC 蘇格蘭電臺的每週系列節目 "蘇格蘭音樂 "在一個晚上專門錄製播出了這首曲子。 約翰-普爾瑟(John Purser)是該系列節目的編劇和主持人,他評論道:"無論從整體構思、技術創新和技巧,還是對管弦樂隊的精湛處理來看,《協奏曲》都是一項重大成就。 獨奏家、荷蘭鋼琴家羅奈爾得-布勞蒂甘(Ronald Brautigam)在談到他的經歷時說:"能為如此美妙的《協奏曲》工作,我深感榮幸!我已經完全愛上了這部作品。這部作品絕對具有挑戰性,但豐富的音樂構思、慢板的精緻、尾聲的幽默和歡快,讓人忘記了有時需要把手指從鍵盤上刮下來"

作曲家: Chisholm, Erik
樂器: 2 pianos
出版社: Schott Music

I Poco maestoso e con fuoco - II Tema con variazioni - III Rondo burlesca

The Piano Concerto No.2 was first performed in Cape Town in 1949 and in the following year was broadcast on the BBC Radio Third Programme. It was enthusiastically received by the critics, Ernest Newman writing of it ’I was particularly intrigued by the skill with which the composer has managed to fuse Hindustani modes of expression and European ways of thought and factors of design into a single organic whole. I was greatly intrigued by it’.It had many performances and broadcasts in the composer’s life time but after his death, was not heard again until 2007 when it was specially recorded for broadcast one evening in ‘Scotland’s Music”, a BBC Radio Scotland’s series of weekly programmes.John Purser, writer and presenter of the series which ran for a year, comments ‘The Concerto emerges as a major achievement in terms of over-all conception, technical innovation and brilliance and superb handling of the orchestra’.The soloist, Dutch pianist Ronald Brautigam, said of his experience “It is a great privilege to be working on such a wonderful Concerto! I have completely fallen in love with the piece. The work is definitely challenging, but the wealth of musical ideas, the refinement of the slow movement, the humour and boisterousness of the finale make one forget that at times fingers need to be scraped off the keyboard’.
頁數: 100
重量(g): 300
ISMN: 9790220131448
ISBN: 9781847612281