
Concertino 哈特曼.卡爾 小協奏曲 小號 1把以上加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD
$1,800TWD - $1,800TWD

這首曲子自首次演奏以來一直被認為是失傳曲目,該音樂會的評論是這樣描述的:......作曲是現代的,幽默感似乎是作曲家本人的。蜜雪兒-尼古拉(Michel Nicolay)擁有非凡的技術和出色的呼吸控制能力,他在七件管樂器的伴奏下,演奏了慕尼克作曲家哈特曼的這首高難度作品。在第一段中,巴松管提供了相當幽默的低音線,整部作品有些滑稽的傾向。第二部分包含了一些非常驚人的段落"

作曲家: Hartmann, Karl Amadeus
樂器: Trumpet with 7 Solo-Instruments (Clarinet in B flat, BassClarinet in B flat, Bassoon, Contrabassoon, French Horn in F, Trumpet in C, Tuba)
出版社: Schott Music

I Toccata - II Lied - III Quodlibet

This piece, previously considered lost since its first performance, was described thus in reviews of that concert: ... The composition is modern and the humour appears to be that of the composer himself. Michel Nicolay, who has extraordinary technical skill and fabulous breathing control, leads this difficult work by the Munich composer Hartmann and is supported by the accompaniment of seven wind instruments. The bassoon provides rather a humorous bass line in the first section, with the whole work tending somewhat towards the burlesque. The second section contains some really astonishing passages.
頁數: 48
重量(g): 200
ISMN: 9790001133395
