
Concertino op. 107 小協奏曲 長笛加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$800TWD - $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD

塞西爾-夏米納德(18571-1944 年)的才華很早就顯露出來: 12 歲時,她就發表了自己的第一首作品。她家的朋友喬治-比才(Georges Bizet)預言了她的美好未來。1877 年,她作為鋼琴家在巴黎首演成功後,便以鋼琴獨奏家、室內樂演奏家和指揮家的身份在歐洲許多國家以及美國和加拿大開始了繁忙的音樂會活動。只有長笛與樂隊協奏曲作品 107 仍在定期上演。這首要求極高的作品創作於 1902 年,是巴黎音樂學院的競賽曲目,最初仍以鋼琴伴奏為主。兩年後,夏米納德創作了管弦樂版本。樂曲以寬廣的旋律開始,隨後轉入技巧獨奏部分,接著是快板。樂曲以最初主題的重奏和尾聲結束"

作曲家: Chaminade, Cécile
編者: Waechter, Edmund / Weinzierl, Elisabeth
樂器: flute and piano
出版社: Schott Music
The great talent of Cécile Chaminade (1857–1944) showed very early: At the age of 12, she published her first composition. Georges Bizet, a friend of the family, predicted her great future. After her successful debut as a pianist in Paris in 1877, she began busy concert activities as a solo pianist, chamber musician and conductor in many European countries as well as in the USA and Canada.Although many of her compositions became bestsellers during her lifetime, they are almost all missing in the concert programmes of today. Only the Concertino for flute and orchestra Op. 107 is still performed regularly. The demanding piece was written in 1902 as a competition piece at the Paris Conservatoire – initially still with piano accompaniment. The orchestral version was composed by Chaminade two years later.The piece begins with a wide melody and then turns into a virtuoso solo section which is followed by a cadenza. The piece ends with the initial theme as recapitulation and a coda.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 160
ISMN: 9790001200806
UPC: 841886023314
