Concertino da Camera for Alto Saxophone and Saxophone Ensemble 伊貝爾 小協奏曲 中音薩氏管 薩氏管重奏
Concertino Da Camera》是雅克-伊伯特(1890-1962 年)於 1935 年創作的一首小型協奏曲,由中音薩克斯管和薩克斯合奏:1 個女高音、2 個女高音、3 個中音、2 個男高音、2 個男中音和 1 個男低音組成。這首協奏曲分為兩個樂章,分別為 "Allegro con moto "和 "Larghetto Animato Molto",是獻給薩克斯演奏家西古爾德-拉舍爾(Sigurd Rascher)的。這首曲子在技術上極具挑戰性,抒情性很強。本卷收錄了所有樂器的聲部以及全譜。該曲的作者雅克-伊伯特(Jacques Ibert,1890-1962 年)是一位新古典主義作曲家,曾于 1919 年獲得羅馬大獎。他創作了許多交響組曲、歌劇和七部管弦樂作品,包括《Angelique》(1926 年)和《Divertissement》(1930 年)。他還曾負責羅馬梅迪西斯別墅的法蘭西學院,後來又擔任巴黎歌劇院的行政長官。這首協奏曲與他的長笛協奏曲(1934 年)有些相似之處,同樣由 Alphonse Leduc 出版"
作曲家: Jacques Ibert
樂器: Saxophone; Saxophone Ensemble
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Concertino Da Camera
Concertino Da Camera, written in 1935 by Jacques Ibert (1890-1962), is a small concerto for Alto Saxophone and sax ensemble: 1 sopranino, 2 sopranos, 3 altos, 2 tenors, 2 baritones and 1 bass. This concertino in two movements, Allegro con moto and Larghetto Animato Molto, is dedicated to the saxophonist Sigurd Rascher and is notable for its large use of the Alto-Saxophone. It can be technically challenging and has a strong lyrical part. This volume features the parts for all instruments as well as the full score. Its author, Jacques Ibert (1890-1962), is a neoclassical composer who won the Prix de Rome in 1919. He composed many symphonic suites, operas and seven orchestras, including 'Angelique' (1926) and 'Divertissement' (1930). He was also in charge of the Accadémie de France in the Villa Médicis (Roma) and was later administrator for the Paris Opera. This concerto has some similarities with his Flute Concerto (1934), also published by Alphonse Leduc.