Concert Etude for Solo Horn 音樂會 法國號
埃薩-佩卡-薩洛寧 當我被邀請為霍爾格-弗蘭斯曼紀念比賽創作一首圓號獨奏曲時,我立刻就答應了。我決定寫一首自己的音樂會迴旋曲,以此向我的老師致敬。在這首曲子中,我將圓號視為一種技藝高超的樂器,既能演奏雜技,又能表現慣用的旋律。在某種程度上,我是為我從未成為的偉大圓號演奏家而寫的"
作曲家: Esa-Pekka Salonen
樂器: Horn
出版社: Chester Music
Concert Etude For Solo Horn In F
Esa-Pekka Salonen: When I was asked to write a piece for solo horn for the Holger Fransman Memorial Competition, I agreed right away. I decided to write my own Concert Etude, and thus create a little homage to my teacher, who in fact was like a grandfather to me. In this piece I treat the horn as a virtuoso instrument, capable of acrobatics as well as the idiomatic melodic expression. In a way, I wrote the piece for the great horn player I never became.