Complete Theory of Music - Vol. 1
雅克-謝利(Jacques Chailley)和亨利-查蘭(Henri Challan)編著的《完整樂理》(Complete Theory of Music)是初學音樂者的真正完整的學習方法。本系列兩卷中的第一卷涵蓋了該方法的前九章。內容包括 I. 不同的音樂要素 II. 譜寫和符號 III. 節奏 IV. 音程要素 V. 音程 VI. 調性理論 [1/2] VII. 調性理論 [2/2] VIII. 調性應用 IX. 其他音樂符號。本書真正側重於理論,並包括一些練習,更適合成熟的音樂初學者。亨利-夏朗(Henri Challan)是法國作曲家、巴黎音樂學院教授,曾獲得羅馬大獎,並撰寫了大量音樂分析文章。雅克-謝利(Jacques Chailley)是一位元音樂家,也是巴黎音樂學院的副院長"
作曲家: Jacques Chailley
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Complete Theory of Music by Jacques Chailley and Henri Challan is a really complete method for beginning musicians. This first volume of a series of two covers the nine first chapters of the method. It features: I. Different elements of music II. Music writing and symbols III. Rhythms IV. Intervals elements V. Intervals VI. Theory of Tonality [1/2] VII. Theory of Tonality [2/2] VIII. Tonality application IX. Additional music symbols. Really focused on theory and including some exercises, this book will be a better fit for mature music beginners. Henri Challan was a French composer and professor at the Paris Conservatoire who won the Grand Prix de Rome and who has wrote many music analysis. Jacques Chailley was a musician and Deputy Director of the Paris Conservatoire.