
Complete Dances - Volume I Piano Solo 舒伯特 鋼琴 舞曲 亨乐版

$1,650TWD - $1,650TWD
$1,650TWD - $1,650TWD

舒伯特在鋼琴前,用他取之不盡、用之不竭的豐富舞曲旋律,他的朋友們圍著他翩翩起舞、說說笑笑--這就是我們所珍視的舒伯特的傳統形象之一。為這種聚會而發明的 "舒伯特舞曲"(Schubertiade)一詞如今已深入人心。在這本精選的最可愛、最常演奏的舞曲中,我們可以找到 59 首華爾滋、40 首德意志舞曲以及四首埃科薩舞曲和一首小步舞曲。在選擇這些作品時,蕭邦注意將難度大致相同的單曲歸為一組(從簡單到中等:3 到 5)"

作曲家: Franz Schubert
校訂者: Paul Mies
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Schubert at the piano, with his inexhaustible wealth of dance melodies, his friends around him dancing and playing jokes – this is one of the traditional images of Schubert that we so cherish. The term Schubertiade invented for this kind of get-together is now solidly established. This volume contains altogether 182 dances, minuets, waltzes (including the acclaimed “Funeral Waltz” D365 No. 2), ländler, écossaises, German dances – each lovelier than the next. Schubert wrote the last of the pieces from this first volume in 1816, when he was 19 years old (for Vol. II see HN 76).

頁數: 126
重量(g): 476.28
UPC: 884088172800

