Co-Incidence op. 63 Fügung 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
《巧合》是一部由兩個音符組成的無伴奏音樂作品,這兩個音符是接下來發生的一切的主要元素。最初的兩個音符像兩聲短促的爆破聲被拋向太空,然後以越來越堅決的方式演變。小提琴的低音弦調到了 E 音而不是 G 音,使其音域接近中提琴音域,從而營造出一種陰暗、戲劇性的抒情氛圍。(讓-吉尤)
作曲家: Guillou, Jean
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Co-incidence is a work that opens onto an anacrusi made of two notes, the main element of everything that will happen. These first two notes falling like two short blasts thrown into space will evolve in a more and more resolute manner. The bass string of the violin is tuned to the notes E instead of G, giving the instrument a close to the Viola range, and allowing the creation of an atmosphere of a dark and dramatic lyricism, interrupted by a new theme Presto and light, that we will find again at the lightning conclusion. (Jean Guillou)