Coffee & Violin 18 Coffee Time Pieces in Popular Style 小提琴 小品流行音樂風格 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
閉上眼睛,放鬆心情:這些樂曲就像一杯咖啡一樣讓人愉悅和回味,演奏起來也非常迷人!這些樂曲與線上音訊資料和鋼琴伴奏一起,適用於教學、音樂會或在家中進行音樂創作。音訊檔可憑優惠券代碼(在書中)下載。和絃符號便於用吉他、手風琴或其他樂器伴奏: 我的藍色小提琴》(ED 21767)和《快樂的提琴手》(ED 21768)"
作曲家: Johow, Joachim
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Hello and Good Day - Café Montmartre (Musette) - Latin Coffee - Irish Coffee I - Café classique - Café Bourrée - Jigg and Coffee - Tropical Coffee - Black Coffee - Coffee with Bach - Monday Morning - Café en España - The English Coffee Time - Midnight Coffee (Swing) - Café do Brazil - The Crocodile - Irish Coffee II - La danse de la Tour Eiffel
Close your eyes and relax: these pieces are as pleasant and evocative for the listener as a cup of coffee, and they're charming to play too! Together with the audio online material and the piano accompaniment, the pieces are suitable for lessons, concerts or just music-making at home. The audio files can be downloaded with a voucher code (in the book). Chord symbols facilitate accompaniment with guitar, accordion, or other instruments.Other editions: My Blue Violin (ED 21767) and The Merry Fiddler (ED 21768).