
Chinese Pictures 尹伊桑 長笛獨奏 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
$730TWD - $730TWD
$730TWD - $730TWD

這四首曲子於 1993 年 6 月在哈爾茨山脈的霍赫蓋斯(Hohegeiss)創作,展現了他晚期風格的簡約質感。音樂素材被刻意限制:每首樂曲都基於由兩個或三個音符組成的不同動機單元,然後通過發展變化以及對比參照和派生的方式加以闡述。在某些方面,樂曲令人想起東亞各種類型的長笛。除了第三首曲子《與猴為伴的演員》之外,《中國畫》都受到了佛教節目的影響"

作曲家: Yun, Isang
樂器: recorder (flute)
出版社: Bote & Bock

The Visitor of the Idyll - The Hermit at the Water - The Actor with the Monkey - The Shepherd's Flute

Written in June 1993 in Hohegeiss in the Harz Mountains, these four pieces demonstrate the reduced texture of his late style. The musical material is deliberately limited: each respective piece is based on different motivic cells consisting of two or three notes, which are then elaborated by means of developing variation as well as contrasting reference and derivation. In some respects the music recalls idioms of various types of East Asian flutes. With the exception of the third piece, The Actor with the Monkey, the Chinese Pictures are influenced by programmes of Buddhist origin.
頁數: 12
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790202517468
UPC: 73999360721
