
Chinderliecht (Kinderleicht / Kinderlicht) Stücke für kleine und große Kinder auch zum Erzählen und Mitsingen 霍利格 4手聯彈(含以上) 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD
$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD

這些樂曲是由瑞士傳奇雙簧管演奏家、指揮家和作曲家為兒童和青少年創作的。 您還可以伴著音樂跳舞、說話或微笑;鋼琴獨奏曲和鋼琴二重奏曲在本冊中交替出現。 非常適合各年齡段的青少年音樂創作!

作曲家: Holliger, Heinz
樂器: piano (2+4 hands)
出版社: Schott Music

Tigi’s interrupted midday nap - Leapfrog - A broken waltz record on a faulty gramophone - The Cat and the Sparrow - The Yodeller’s Duo on black and white notes (easy) - “Have you ever heard of the Chine-Senn?” more difficult) - The Chine-Senn with twenty fingers (piano duet) - Mileva I - Mileva II - The Guardian Angel (for piano solo or duet) - The Burgdorf Boogie-Woogie - The Hedgehog and the Hare

These are enjoyable pieces written by the already legendary Swiss oboist, conductor and composer for children and young people. You may also dance, speak or just smile along with the music; pieces for piano solo and for piano duet alternate in this volume. Ideally suited for young people’s music making at all ages!
語言: Swiss German - German
頁數: 52
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790001131933
