
Charles-marie Widor - Introduction Et Rondo Pour Clarinette Avec Accompagnement De Pian 維多 導奏迴旋曲

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$1,100TWD - $1,100TWD

法國管風琴家、作曲家和教師夏爾-瑪麗-維多(Charles-Marie Widor,1844-1937 年)主要以管風琴交響曲聞名於世。然而,他為單簧管和鋼琴創作的《引子與迴旋曲》(Introduction et Rondo for Clarinet and Piano)同樣廣受歡迎,至今仍經常上演。 1890 年,維多擔任巴黎音樂學院管風琴研究主任,不久又負責作曲班。他的《引子與迴旋曲》創作於 1898 年,當時正是他在音樂學院工作期間,也是他事業的巔峰時期。這首樂曲充分發揮了單簧管的潛能,為演奏者帶來了極具挑戰性而又激動人心的演奏。維多的《引子與迴旋曲》是所有高級單簧管演奏家的必備曲目""

作曲家: Charles-Marie Widor
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Introduction Et Rondo

“French organist, composer and teacher, Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) is predominantly known for his Organ symphonies. However, his Introduction et Rondo for Clarinet and Piano also remains popular and is still regularly performed today. Widor became Director of Organ Studies at the Paris Conservatoire in 1890 and soon followed this by taking charge of the composition class. His Introduction et Rondo was composed in 1898 during his period at the Conservatoire and at the height of his career. The piece exploits the Clarinet to its full potential, creating a challenging yet exciting performance on the instrument. Widor's Introduction et Rondo is essential to the repertoire of all advanced clarinetists.”
頁數: 14
重量(g): 99.225
UPC: 888680830557
