
Chant du ménestrel op. 71 葛拉祖諾夫 聖歌 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$650TWD - $650TWD
$650TWD - $650TWD

來自彼得堡的音樂家亞歷山大-格拉蘇諾夫(Alexander Glasunov,1865-1936 年)的音樂生涯要歸功於同為作曲家的米利伊-巴拉基列夫(Milij Balakirev),1880 年,巴拉基列夫介紹他與尼古拉-裡姆斯基-科薩科夫(Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)進行私人學習。僅兩年後,格拉蘇諾夫的《第一交響曲》在世界首演,引起轟動,很快他就成為國內外知名的作曲家。在隨後的幾年裡,他迅速創作了交響樂和室內樂作品,並於 1899 年被任命為彼得堡音樂學院的第一位樂器教授,隨後又被任命為院長。作品 71 創作於 1890 年。這是一首抒情、富有表現力而又略帶憂傷的作品,體現了作曲家的旋律特質,是一首理想的獨奏曲或安可曲"

作曲家: Glazunov, Alexander
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
校訂者: Huelshoff, Alexander
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
The musician Alexander Glasunov (1865 1936) from Petersburg owes his musical career to fellow composer Milij Balakirev who put him in contact with Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov in 1880 for private studies. Only two years later Glasunov caused a sensation with the world premiere of his First Symphony, and very soon he was a nationally and internationally renowned composer. In the following years he quickly composed symphonic and chamber music works before in 1899 he was appointed first professor of instrumentation, then director of the Petersburg Conservatoire. He then had to devote more of his time to his educational and organizational tasks.'Chant du ménestrel' Op. 71 was created in 1890. It is a lyrical and expressive, yet slightly melancholy setting which testifies to the melodic qualities of the composer – an ideal recital or encore piece.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790001189842
UPC: 841886019317

