Chant De Linos 若利維 聖歌
安德列-約裡維特(André Jolivet,1905-1974 年)於 1944 年為巴黎音樂學院的獨奏比賽創作了《利諾斯詠歎調》(Chant de Linos)。為長笛、豎琴和絃樂三重奏而作。這首曲子的演奏難度很大,但在比賽或獨奏會上卻能脫穎而出。這首樂曲的靈感來源於希臘古代的《利諾斯詠歎調》(Chant de Linos),這是一首悼亡曲(或哀歌),也是關於阿波羅之子利諾斯的。利諾斯是一位傑出的音樂家,曾教導奧菲斯彈琴,後因批評過度被赫拉克勒斯殺死。安德列-約裡維特是一位法國作曲家,他深受古代音樂的啟發,對無調性有著濃厚的興趣。他還創作了許多室內樂作品、11 首協奏曲、一些管弦樂和一些聲樂作品"
作曲家: André Jolivet
樂器: Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Chant De Linos
André Jolivet (1905-1974) composed Chant de Linos for the Solo de Concours at the Paris Conservatoire in 1944. Written for Flute, Harp and String Trio. This piece is quite difficult to execute but will stand out in a competition or a recital. Inspired from what is called a Chant de Linos, a threnody (or lament to the dead) in the Greek antiquity, this piece is also about Linos, son of Apollo. A brilliant musician, Linos taught Orpheus the Lyre and got killed by Heracles for excessive criticism. André Jolivet is a French composer who was greatly inspired by the Antiquity and had a strong interest for atonality. He also wrote many chamber music pieces, eleven concertos, some orchestral and some vocal music.