
Chansons De Don Quichotte No. 2 - Chanson A Dulcinee 伊貝爾

$700TWD - $700TWD
$700TWD - $700TWD

"《獻給愛人之歌》是雅克-伊伯特《堂吉訶德》歌曲集的第二卷,共四首歌。這是為聲樂和鋼琴而作,改編自亞歷山卓-阿諾(Alexandra Arnoux)的一首詩,有兩句詩和一段合唱。 歌詞用法語寫成,是關於愛情的,副歌解釋說,見不到愛人的日子就像過了一年。這首歌可由中級音樂家演奏和演唱。 全套系列包括 1. Chanson du depart de Don Quichotte / 唐吉訶德離別之歌 2. 杜西妮之歌》(Chanson à Dulcinée / Song to Ladylove) 3. 公爵之歌 4. 堂吉訶德之歌》(Chanson de la mort de Don Quixotte)/《堂吉訶德之歌》(Chanson de la mort de Don Quixotte)雅克-伊伯特(1890-1962 年)還創作了許多交響組曲、歌劇和七個管弦樂團的作品,其中包括《Angelique》(1926 年)和《Divertissement》(1930 年)。他還曾負責羅馬梅迪西斯別墅的法蘭西學院(Accadémie de France),後任巴黎歌劇院行政長官""

作曲家: Jacques Ibert
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Chanson Du Duc Don Quichote

“Song to Ladylove is the second volume of the Don Quixote songs, a set of four songs by Jacques Ibert. Written for Voice and Piano, on a poem by Alexandra Arnoux, it features two verses and a chorus. The lyrics, in French, are about love, and the chorus explains that a day is like a year when you cant see your lover. The song could be played and sung by intermediate musician. The full series features: 1. Chanson du depart de Don Quichotte / Song for Don Quixottes departure 2. Chanson à Dulcinée / Song to Ladylove 3. Chanson du Duc / Dukes song 4. Chanson de la mort de Don Quixotte / Song for Don Quixottes death Jacques Ibert (1890-1962) also composed many symphonic suites, operas and seven orchestras, including 'Angelique' (1926) and 'Divertissement' (1930). He also was in charge of the Accadémie de France in the Villa Médicis (Roma) and was later administrator for the Paris Opera.”
頁數: 4
重量(g): 51.03
UPC: 888680862930
