Chanson et Badinerie pour Flute 長笛
作曲家皮埃爾-加繆(1885-1948 年)如今鮮為人知。然而,他的Chanson et Badinerie是長笛曲目中的精品,對演奏者來說是一首激動人心而又極具挑戰性的作品。加繆的長笛與鋼琴伴奏曲分為兩個樂章。Chanson(歌曲)採用 6/8 拍,在抒情旋律的運用、長笛低音域的使用以及半音階等方面體現了法國浪漫主義的特點。與之形成鮮明對比的是,Badinerie採用了較快的節奏、2/4拍、和絃式鋼琴伴奏和音階半音階裝飾。所有這些元素在加繆的Chanson et Badinerie中結合在一起,為高級長笛演奏家的曲目增添了令人興奮的色彩"
作曲家: Pierre Camus
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Chanson Et Badinerie Pour Flu
Composer Pierre Camus (1885-1948) is little known today. However, his Chanson et Badinerie is a sublime addition to the flute's repertoire and proves to be an exciting, yet challenging piece for performers. Camus' piece for flute and piano accompaniment is in two movements. Chanson (Song) is composed in 6/8 meter and reflects French romantic characteristics in its use of lyrical melodies, use of the lower register of the flute, and chromaticism. The Badinerie contrasts with this with a faster tempo, 2/4 meter, chordal piano accompaniment and scalic semiquaver flourishes. All of these elements combine in Camus' Chanson et Badinerie to make for an exciting addition to the advanced flautist's repertoire.