
Cello Sonata No. 2 in E minor op. 1, Nr. 2 大提琴奏鳴曲 小調 大提琴加鋼琴 博浩版

$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD
$1,400TWD - $1,400TWD

Leokadiya Kashperova(18721-1940 年)是斯特拉文斯基的鋼琴老師,迄今為止在音樂史上只留下了一個註腳,如今正被重新發現。作為聖彼德堡音樂學院的雙料畢業生,她是浪漫主義傳統的鋼琴演奏家和作曲家。她曾與當時一些偉大的音樂家合作,其中包括米利-阿列克謝耶維奇-巴拉基列夫(Mily Alexayevich Balakirev)和利奧波德-馮-奧爾(Leopold von Auer)。這些新版本的《大提琴奏鳴曲 1 & 2》已經播出並錄製完成,而她的《交響曲》和迄今未出版的《鋼琴協奏曲》的新版本最近也已發行

作曲家: Kashperova, Leokadiya
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Leokadiya Kashperova (1872–1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky’s piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Mily Alexayevich Balakirev and Leopold von Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920.These new editions of the Cello Sonatas 1 & 2 have been broadcast and recorded, whilst new editions of her Symphony and hitherto unpublished Piano Concerto have recently been issued.

頁數: 88
重量(g): 0
ISMN: 9790060135040
ISBN: 9781784544331

