
Canzonette, Op. 19 for Alto Saxophone and Piano 中音薩氏管 鋼琴 薩氏管

$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

Canzonetta,Op.19是一首為中音薩克斯風和鋼琴伴奏創作的樂曲,由加布裡埃爾-皮耶內(Gabriel Pierné)作曲,馬塞爾-穆勒(Marcel Mule)編曲。該曲目最初為單簧管和鋼琴而作,創作於 1888 年,難度相當高,適合高級演奏者演奏。樂曲為單樂章,由幾個不同的樂段連接而成。樂曲以略帶西西里亞諾節奏的附點節奏開始,隨後是一個聽起來像舍爾贊多的部分。點狀節奏在 Piu Vivo 部分消失了,但開頭的主題很快又出現了,然後是宏偉的終曲。加布裡埃爾-皮耶內(1863-1937 年)是法國作曲家、指揮家和管風琴演奏家。他曾獲得 1882 年法國羅馬大獎"

作曲家: Gabriel Pierne
樂器: Alto Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Canzonetta, Op. 19 is a piece for alto saxophone and piano accompaniment composed by Gabriel Pierné and arranged by Marcel Mule. Initially written for clarinet and piano, the piece was written in 1888 and can be played by advanced players with a fairly high difficulty level. Composed in a single movement, the piece features some different sections linked together. It starts with dotted rhythms that are slightly reminiscent of a siciliano, and is followed by a part that sounds like a scherzando. The dotted rhythms disappear in the Piu Vivo section but the opening theme soon comes back before a grandiose finale. Gabriel Pierné (1863-1937) was a French composer, conductor and organ player. He won the French Prix de Rome 1882.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 90.72
UPC: 888680857226

