Cantilene Et Danse (alto Saxophone And Piano) 中音薩氏管 鋼琴
"從鋼琴的慢板 Andantino Cantabile(3/4--速度 88)開始,樂曲在快板 Allegretto Scherzando(6/3--速度 120)中加速,回到慢板部分,最後以快速音符結束。此外,樂曲還為演奏者提供了主樂譜一小段的變奏。 樂曲的難點在於快速的節奏和演奏時所需的耐力。樂曲中還包括一些顫音、頓音和意外音,中上水準的演奏者應能勝任。 鄧尼斯-約利(Denis Joly,1906-1979 年)是法國管風琴演奏家和作曲家。他為鋼琴獨奏、鋼琴與弦樂、鋼琴與木管、鋼琴與銅管以及管風琴獨奏創作了約 40 首室內樂作品"
作曲家: Denis Joly
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Cantilene Et Danse
“Starting with the Piano on a slow section Andantino Cantabile (3/4 - tempo 88), the piece then accelerates in the Allegretto Scherzando (6/3 tempo 120), goes back to a slower part and finishes a fast section of notes. A variation of a small section of the main score is also proposed to the player. Difficulties highlighted in the piece are the fast rhythms and the resulting endurance necessary to play them. The piece includes some trills, some staccatos and some accidentals that upper-intermediate players should be able to overcome. Denis Joly (1906-1979) is a French organist and composer. He wrote around 40 pieces of chamber music for Piano solo, Piano and strings, Piano and woodwind, Piano and brass, and solo Organ.”