Brief Piece, For Solo Saxophone 小品 薩氏管
"時至今日,歐仁-博紮(1905-1991 年)仍是最多產的管樂器作曲家之一,儘管他本人是一名小提琴家。他的薩克斯管獨奏曲也不例外。 在巴黎音樂學院學習期間,博紮獲得了小提琴、指揮和作曲獎以及羅馬大獎。之後,他指揮了科米克歌劇院管弦樂團,並成為瓦朗謝訥音樂學院院長,同時仍是一位傑出的作曲家。博紮的《簡短小品》創作於 1955 年,將用中音薩克斯管演奏,是一部技巧性很強的作品,具有複雜節奏、半音階、寬音域和發音等高級特點。音樂教育家保羅-格里菲斯曾這樣評價博紮的作品:"他的作品展現了流暢的旋律、優雅的結構和對樂器能力的一貫關注。"""
作曲家: Eugène Bozza
樂器: Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Brief Piece For Solo Saxophone
“To this day, Eugène Bozza (1905-1991) remains one of the most prolific composers for wind instruments, despite being a violinist himself. His Brief Piece for solo Saxophone is no exception to the composer's success. During his studies at the Paris Conservatoire, Bozza won prizes for Violin, conducting and composition, as well as the Grand Prix de Rome. He then conducted the orchestra of the Opéra-Comique and became Head of the Conservatoire in Valenciennes, whilst remaining a prominent composer. Composed in 1955, Bozza's Brief Piece is to be played on the Alto Saxophone and is a virtuosic work, addressing advanced features including, complex rhythms, chromaticism, a wide range and articulation. As music educationalist, Paul Griffiths has written of Bozza's compositions, ”“his works reveal melodic fluency, elegance of structure and a consistently sensitive concern of instrumental capabilities.”“”