Blake Dreaming 'Goodison Quartet No. 5' Baritone Voice and String Quartet 四重奏 弦樂四重奏
Blake Dreaming的男中音部分在創作時考慮到聲樂將作為一種額外的樂器使用,沒有文字。雖然大部分聲部是聲樂,但也加入了威廉-布萊克的《天堂與地獄的聯姻》節選"
作曲家: Peter Maxwell Davies
樂器: Baritone; String Quartet
出版社: Chester Music
The baritone part for Blake Dreaming was written with the idea that the voice would be used as an extra instrument, without text. Although much of the vocal line is a vocalise, an excerpt from William Blake's “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell” is incorporated.