Birthday Rag 繁音曲 小提琴加鋼琴 柏特-柏克版
這首曲子是伊蓮娜-卡茨-切寧(Elena Kats-Chernin)寫給澳大利亞小提琴家、出版商、講師和音樂節總監克裡斯-萊瑟姆(Chris Latham)的生日禮物。埃琳娜說:"這首曲子以慢速爵士樂的方式開始,然後突然醒來,速度幾乎快了一倍,就像克裡斯說的那樣,他在早晨的功能就是這樣"
作曲家: Kats-Chernin, Elena
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Bote & Bock
The piece was written by Elena Kats-Chernin as a birthday present for the Australian violinist, publisher, lecturer and festival director Chris Latham who, together with the composer, has premiered many of her works. Says Elena: This piece starts in a slow jazzy manner and the suddenly wakes up and goes almost twice as fast, much in the way that Chris says he functions in the mornings.