
Belcanto in the Russian Mode 席且德林 頌歌 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

深沉的斯拉夫情感和扣人心弦的精湛技藝--這是羅季昂-什切林眾多作品的特點。儘管這位出生于莫斯科的作曲家長期以來一直是一個世界主義者,但他仍然是一位原汁原味的俄羅斯作曲家,他對俄羅斯音樂民俗和詩歌的感情從未中斷過。這一傳統在《貝爾坎托》中也有所體現,該作品由著名的韋爾比耶音樂節委約創作,並由米沙-麥斯基(Mischa Maisky)與作曲家一起在鋼琴上首演。大提琴部分主要保持了吟唱的特點,而鋼琴則以各種透明的聲音和音色為聲樂部分伴奏和伴奏"

作曲家: Shchedrin, Rodion
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Deep Slavic emotions and gripping virtuosity - that's what characterizes many compositions by Rodion Shchedrin. Even if he has been a cosmopolitan for a long time, the Moscow-born composer nevertheless remains an originally Russian composer whose attachment to Russian music folklore and poetry has never been broken off. This tradition also shows in 'Belcanto', which was commissioned by the renowned Verbier Festival and premiered by the dedicatee Mischa Maisky, together with the composer on the piano. The cello part mainly maintains a cantabile character, while the piano accompanies and comments the vocal part with varied transparent sounds and figures.

頁數: 16
重量(g): 70
ISMN: 9790001151399
