Beginning Jazz Violin An introduction to Style and Technique 爵士音樂小提琴導奏風格 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
格和技巧入門* 學習爵士樂技巧和曲目* 適合完全初學者和 "跨界 "學生* 獲得即興演奏的技巧和信心您喜歡爵士樂嗎?也許你已經有了幾年的小提琴演奏經驗,想重拾小提琴或探索一種新的風格。爵士小提琴入門是學習爵士風格小提琴演奏基礎的絕佳途徑。你將學習到弓法技巧和模式、搖擺演奏、即興演奏、12 小節序列、五聲音階和模式,以及更多
編者: Haigh, Chris
樂器: Violin
出版社: Schott Music
Introduction - Getting Started - Playing with Swing - Starting to Improvise - Pentatonic Scales - Blues - Jazz Licks and How to Use Them - Chords and Arpeggios - More About Chords: II V I and the Cycle of Fiths - Ballad, Gypsy Bossa and Waltz
An Introduction to Style and Technique* Learn jazz technique and repertoire * For complete beginners and ‘cross-over’ students * Gain skill and confidence in improvisingDo you love jazz? Have you always wanted to play the violin?Perhaps you already have a few years’ experience and would like to return to the instrument or explore a new style.Beginning Jazz Violin is a great way to learn the basics of playing the violin in jazz style. You will learn about bowing techniques and patterns, playing with swing, improvising, 12-bar sequences, pentatonic scales and patterns, and much more.Over 150 audio demos of the exercises and pieces are available for download to help you to learn.