
Argentinian Tango and Folk Tunes for Violin 41 pieces including tangos, milongas, chamames, zambas and chacareras 探戈民謠歌調小提琴小品探戈 小提琴獨奏 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD

這本曲集收錄了來自阿根廷各地的 41 首優秀曲調,曲風優美,內容廣泛。曲目包括探戈、米隆加舞曲、查梅斯舞曲、查卡雷拉舞曲、贊巴斯舞曲和加托斯舞曲,以及早期風格和新作品。許多曲目以二重奏的形式呈現,小提琴獨奏者還可以在 MP3 伴奏音軌上使用吉他或 bandoneón 和第二小提琴伴奏。每首曲子的摘要和關於阿根廷音樂的詳細注釋可讓您更好地欣賞這些激動人心、豐富多彩的音樂。本書附帶一張由羅斯-斯蒂芬演奏的所有樂曲的 CD,CD 上還有 MP3 伴奏音軌資料檔案。適合 3 年級及以上的學生閱讀。"我會向任何有興趣探索傳統音樂的人推薦這本書"。(莎拉-凱庫斯(Sarah Kekus)(全美音樂教育家協會 [NAME] 2010-11 年度主席)"這是一本非常吸引人的書,物超所值"。(斯特拉德》)"此外,所有樂曲都由小提琴家斯蒂芬專業演奏。她對不同風格和曲調的大量注釋使人們能夠從這些豐富多彩、激動人心的音樂中獲得最佳體驗"。(澳大利亞弦樂協會期刊,Stringendo)

編者: Stephen, Ros
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music

Por Una Cabeza - El Choclo - El Entrerriano - Comme Il Faut - El Marne - Retintin - Hasta El Dia Del Regresso - El Petirrojo - El Portenito - Milonga Rulito - Milonga Pampeana - Suerte Negra - Mas O Menos - Belgique - La Alabanza - El Rio Dulce - El Violin Del Gaucho - Chacarerea De Nuestros Adios - La Flor Del Chanar - La Pollana - Aguara Pope - Maria Pecuri - Chammame del Jacaranda - Naipi y Taroba - El Urutau - El Coati - Manchay Puito - Gato Cordobes - Gato Correntino - Los Amores - Viva Jujuy - El Cuando - La Arunguita - El Palito - El Escondido - La Remesura - Zamba de Vargas - Amame Mucho - La Familiar - Cuando La Luna Nace - La Gallina Alegre

A beautiful and wide-ranging collection of 41 great tunes from all over Argentina. This collection features tangos, milongas, chamamés, chacareras, zambas and gatos as well as earlier styles and new compositions. Many pieces are presented as duets and there is the opportunity for the solo violinist to play along with the guitar or bandoneón and second violin accompaniment on the MP3 backing tracks. Summaries of the individual tunes and detailed notes on the music of Argentina enable you to get the best out of this exciting and colourful music. The book comes with a CD of all pieces played by Ros Stephen, with MP3 play-along tracks also on the CD as data files. Suitable for grade 3 and above.“I would recommend this volume to anyone interested in exploring traditional music.” (Sarah Kekus (Chair National Association of Music Educators [NAME] 2010-11) “This is a really appealing book, and great value for money.” (The Strad) “Additionally, all pieces are expertly played by violinist Stephen. Her extensive notes on the different styles and tunes enable one to get the best out of this colourful and exciting music.” (Australian Strings Association Journal, Stringendo)
語言: English - German - French
頁數: 108
重量(g): 420
ISMN: 9790220132308
ISBN: 9781847612502
UPC: 841886016453
