Apollon Marie Rose Barret - Methode Complete De Hautbois , 3<sup>e</sup> Vol. 雙簧管
"阿波隆-巴雷特(1804-1879 年)出生於法國,人們主要記得他是倫敦皇家音樂學院著名的雙簧管教授,以及他廣受歡迎的作品集《Méthode Complète de Hautbois》。 本系列第三卷包含最新的技術研究和大量練習,重點關注表現力、風格、裝飾音和和聲。每項練習和研究都包含英文、法文、德文和西班牙文的詳細注釋,是一本用途廣泛的書籍。此外,自出版以來,《Méthode Complète de Hautbois》已被世界各地的雙簧管教師廣泛使用。對於所有嚴肅的和有抱負的雙簧管演奏家來說,巴雷特的《Méthode Complète de Hautbois》是在雙簧管演奏上取得進步的必備之書""
作曲家: Marie Rose Barret
樂器: Oboe
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Born in France, Apollon Barret (1804-1879) is predominantly remembered as a notable Professor of Oboe at the Royal Academy of Music in London, and for his popular collection, Méthode Complète de Hautbois. The third volume in this series contains up-to-date technical studies and expansive exercises, with focus given to expression, style, ornamentation and harmonics. Each exercise and study comprises detailed notes in English, French, German and Spanish, making for a highly versatile book. Moreover, since its publication, Méthode Complète de Hautbois has been widely used by Oboe teachers all over the world. For all serious and aspiring oboists, Barret's Méthode Complète de Hautbois is essential to progression on the instrument.”