Annelies Orchestra Version Full Score 管弦樂團大總譜
這部動人的作品於 2005 年 4 月由路易絲-卡特克(女高音)、克雷爾學院合唱團和倫納德-斯拉特金指揮的皇家愛樂樂團首次完整演出。這部作品的一小部分用荷蘭語和德語寫成。管弦樂版全譜"
作曲家: James Whitbourn
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: Chester Music
Libretto by Melanie Challenger taken from Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl. The first complete performance of this moving work took place in April 2005, with Louise Kateck (soprano), the Clare College Choir and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Leonard Slatkin. Small sections of this work are written in Dutch and German. Orchestral version full score.