
Andre Jolivet - Concerto Pour Basson, Orchestre A Cordes Et Piano (version Pour Piano 若利維 協奏曲 鋼琴

$3,200TWD - $3,200TWD
$3,200TWD - $3,200TWD

安德列-約裡維特(1905-1974 年)自幼酷愛作曲。1966-1970 年,他在巴黎音樂學院擔任作曲教授。巴松管協奏曲》創作於 1954 年,至今仍備受推崇。 約裡維特本人是一名大提琴家,但他希望探索所有樂器的作曲,因此在各個領域都有相當數量的作品。作曲家的風格還以靈性著稱,希望將日常與神奇、人類與宇宙聯繫起來。喬利韋特在巴松管協奏曲中運用了聲學和無調性。這首曲子由於大量使用了擴展技巧,因此需要高超的演奏技巧。對於所有高級巴松管演奏家來說,約裡維特為他們的演奏曲目提供了一首令人興奮的另類作品""

作曲家: André Jolivet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Concerto Pour

“André Jolivet (1905-1974) established his love for composition from a young age. This remained throughout his life, and he held the post of Professor of Composition from 1966-1970 at Paris Conservatoire. Concerto for Bassoon was composed in 1954, and remains highly regarded. Jolivet, himself a cellist, wished to explore composition for all instruments, and therefore has a considerable number of works in all fields. The composer's style is also known for its spirituality, and the desire to associate the everyday with the magical, and the human with the universal. Jolivet draws on acoustics and atonality, as heard in his Concerto for Bassoon. The piece requires high, virtuosic skills due to its expansive use of extended techniques. For all advanced bassoonists, Jolivet provides an exciting, alternative piece for the instrument's repertoire.”
頁數: 34
重量(g): 181.44
UPC: 888680873622
