
Andante pastoral et Scherzettino 塔法內爾 行板田園曲 長笛加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

保羅-塔法內爾(1844 年 9 月 16 日生於波爾多,1908 年 11 月 21 日卒於巴黎)是巴黎喜歌劇院的長笛獨奏家和巴黎音樂學院的長笛教授。他的學生包括菲力浦-高貝爾和馬塞爾-莫伊塞,他們都是當時法國最偉大的長笛演奏家。喬治-巴雷(Georges Barrère)認為,這些學生無一例外都是他的 "音樂之子",也許正是這種與學生的親密關係,使《牧歌與舍爾齊蒂諾》在他的作品中脫穎而出。這首樂曲獻給他最喜愛的學生菲力浦-高貝,創作於他生命的最後一年,其風格讓人想起福雷,而福雷則將其著名的幻想曲獻給了他的朋友塔法內爾。這部作品充滿活力,色彩豐富,需要精妙的詮釋,尤其是在音色和技巧方面"

作曲家: Taffanel, Claude-Paul
編者: Albrecht, Stefan
樂器: flute and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Paul Taffanel (born in Bordeaux on 16 September 1844, died in Paris on 21 November 1908) was solo flutist at the Paris Opéra comique and professor of flute at the Paris Conservatoire. Among the pupils of his class were Philippe Gaubert and Marcel Moyse, the greatest French flutists of their generation. It was perhaps the close relationship to his pupils who, according to Georges Barrère, were to him, without exception, 'musical sons', which makes Andante pastoral et Scherzettino stand out among his compositions. Dedicated to his favourite pupil Philippe Gaubert and composed in the last year of his life, its style is reminiscent of Fauré who for his part dedicated his famous Fantasia to his friend Taffanel. Energetic and richly colourful, the work demands a subtle interpretation, especially with regard to sound and technique.

頁數: 20
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790001176293
