Andante and Scherzo Trumpet and Piano 行板 詼諧曲 鋼琴 小號(含鋼琴伴奏)
約瑟夫-愛德華-巴拉特(Joseph Edouard Barat,1882-1963 年)最著名的作品是協奏曲和管樂獨奏曲。他對管樂的熱愛被認為是受到他在法國軍隊中擔任樂隊指揮的影響,而他的作曲專長也正是來源於此。他的 Andante et Scherzo for Trumpet and Piano(小號與鋼琴的前奏與迴旋曲) 以緩慢的普通拍子開始,避免了明顯的調性,直到 C 大調的快板。第二樂章也是 C 大調,但通過複拍子和快速的節奏形成對比。巴拉特在尾聲中巧妙地將兩個樂章結合在一起,證明了他的才華。這些音樂元素以及其他許多特點,為演奏帶來了極大的樂趣,是所有小號演奏家的必備曲目"
作曲家: Joseph Edouard Barat
樂器: Trumpet; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Joseph Edouard Barat (1882-1963) is best known for his concertos and compositions for solo wind and orchestra. His sympathy for wind music is thought to have been influenced by his work as a bandmaster with the French Army, from which his compositional expertise has derived. His Andante et Scherzo for Trumpet and Piano begins in a slow, common time, avoiding clear tonality until it cadences in C major. The second movement is also in C major yet provides contrast by its compound meter and quick pace. Barat's talent is proven when he cleverly combines the two movements during the coda. These musical elements, along with many other features, create a highly enjoyable performance and is a necessity for any trumpeter's repertoire.