Amy Quate - Light Of Sothis Pour Saxophone Et Piano 薩氏管鋼琴
"當代作曲家艾米-奎特(Amy Quate)的作品涉及多種音樂風格、形式和媒介。索蒂斯之光》創作於 1982 年,是獻給薩克斯管演奏家黛布拉-裡奇邁耶(Debra Richtmeyer)的作品,創造性地描繪了天上最亮的星星。 索西斯(Sothis),現稱天狼星,是伊希斯女神(Isis)的星象,其光芒照耀著大自然的迴圈,帶來美麗、繁榮和生命。人們相信,天狼星以神聖的光輝保佑我們,奎特在《天狼星之光》中描繪的正是這一點。薩克斯管的三個樂章分別為 "恩典"、"激情 "和 "信仰",抒情的旋律與戲劇性的音階段落形成鮮明對比,涵蓋了薩克斯管的整個音域。奎特的《索提斯之光》適合中級水準的薩克斯管演奏者,演奏前景十分誘人"
作曲家: Amy Quate
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Light Of Sothis
“Contemporary composer Amy Quate works in a wide variety of musical styles, forms and media. Composed in 1982 and dedicated to saxophonist Debra Richtmeyer, Light of Sothis creatively depicts the brightest star in heaven. Sothis, now called Sirius, is the star aspect of the goddess Isis, whose light confines the cycles of nature which bring beauty, prosperity and life. It is believed that Sothis blesses us with sacred illumination and it is this which Quate depicts in Light of Sothis. In three movements, Grace, Passion and Faith, the Saxophone line has lyrical melodies contrasted with dramatic scalic passages, covering the entire range of the instrument. Suitable for intermediate level saxophonists, a performance Quate's Light of Sothis proves to be an enticing prospect.”