Alexandre Aroutiounian - Aria Et Scherzo Pour Trompette En Si Bemol Et Piano 詠唱調詼諧曲 鋼琴 詠嘆調
"亞美尼亞作曲家、鋼琴家亞歷山大-阿魯秋尼揚(1920-2012 年)在其音樂創作生涯中多次獲獎。他的小號與鋼琴詠歎調和迴旋曲鮮為人知,但卻是現代曲目中的精品。 阿魯蒂歐尼安的作品在世界各地都有演出,他的小號協奏曲尤其令人難忘。亞美尼亞音樂的旋律和節奏特點在阿魯蒂歐尼安的作品中十分突出,他還通過使用民間吟游詩人(ashughner)的即興演奏進一步表達了自己的民族性。詠歎調與迴旋曲》由兩個樂章組成,詠歎調被標記為adagio,迴旋曲被標記為allegretto。整個樂章充分運用了調性,並包含對節奏和合奏的獨特運用。阿魯蒂歐尼安的詠歎調和迴旋曲是所有高級小號演奏家的激動人心的作品"
作曲家: Alexandre Aroutiounian
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Armenian composer and pianist, Alexandre Aroutiounian (1920-2012) was awarded many prizes for his compositions throughout his career. His Aria and Scherzo for Trumpet and Piano is little-known, yet it is a sublime addition to the modern repertoire. Aroutiounian's works have been performed all over the world and he is particularly remembered for his Trumpet Concerto. Melodic and rhythmic characteristics of Armenian music are prominent in Aroutiounian's works, further expressing his nationality by use of ashughner (folk minstrel) improvisations. Aria and Scherzo is made up of two movements, the Aria marked as adagio and the Scherzo as allegretto. Tonality is exploited throughout and contains unique uses of rhythm and ensemble. Aroutiounian's Aria and Scherzo is an exciting piece for all advanced trumpeters.”