A Call for violin solo 艾厄特沃斯 小提琴 小提琴獨奏 朔特版
2015年12月,彼得-埃特沃斯(Peter Eötvös)創作了他的小提琴獨奏短篇作品,該作品玩弄聽覺,感知並回應音樂結構。受詹姆斯-喬伊絲的《尤利西斯》中的一句話啟發,在短小的主題中,有一種呼喚("純淨、悸動和憧憬"),如海妖般的聲音,時而又有精湛的變奏。在小提琴演奏技巧方面,非常有趣的是尾部反復出現的嗡嗡聲,它構成了作品的形式"
作曲家: Eötvös, Peter
樂器: violin solo
出版社: Schott Music
In December 2015, Peter Eötvös composed his short work for violin solo which plays with hearing, perceiving and responding to musical structures. Inspired by a line from James Joyce's Ulysses, there is a call ('pure, throbbing and longindying'), as a siren-like sound, in the short theme of sometimes virtuoso variations. Very interesting with regard to the violin technique is a recurring droning noise of the tailpiece which structures the work's form.