
6e Sonate de Haendel [6th Sonate of Handel] for Saxophone and Piano 薩氏管(含鋼琴伴奏)

$780TWD - $780TWD
$780TWD - $780TWD

喬治-弗裡德里克-亨德爾(George Frideric Handel,1685-1759 年)的第六奏鳴曲在小提琴曲目中廣為人知。因此,當法國薩克斯管演奏家馬塞爾-穆勒(Marcel Mule,1901-2001 年)於 1951 年將這首膾炙人口的樂曲改編為薩克斯管演奏時,廣受好評。第 6 號奏鳴曲》由四個樂章組成: 快板、快板、慢板和小快板。亨德爾的第 6 號奏鳴曲於 1732 年首次出版。Mule 的版本確保薩克斯管部分包含樂器所需的發音、樂句和呼吸標記。對於所有古典薩克斯管演奏家來說,這首膾炙人口的第 6 號奏鳴曲的 Mule 版本是必不可少的

作曲家: Georg Frideric Handel
改編者: Marcel Mule
樂器: Saxophone; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
George Frideric Handel's (1685-1759) Sonata No. 6 is well-known to the violin repertoire. Therefore, when French saxophonist, Marcel Mule (1901-2001) arranged the popular piece for the saxophone in 1951, it was very well-received. The Sonata No. 6 is made up of four movements: Adagio, Allegro, Largo and Allegro non troppo. Handel's Sonata No. 6 was first published in 1732. Mule's editions ensure that the saxophone part contains the articulation, phrasing and breath marks necessary to the instrument. For all classical saxophonists, this Mule arrangement of the popular Sonata No. 6 is essential.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 56.7
UPC: 888680788452

