
6 Easy Concert Pieces op. 4/7-12 6 Easy Concert Pieces 音樂會小品 音樂會小品 大提琴練習曲 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$700TWD - $700TWD
$700TWD - $700TWD

出生於紐西蘭的阿諾德-特勞威爾(1887-1966 年)來到歐洲接受教育,在那裡他一直從事作曲家、音樂家和教育家的工作,直至去世。他的作品以教學為目的,如作品 20 之 6 Morceaux 和作品 4 之 12 Morceaux faciles pour violoncelle,至今仍廣為流傳。編者貝芙麗-艾理斯(Beverley Ellis)為本版精選了作品 4 中的第 7-12 樂章,難度為中等。作品 4 的前 6 個樂章要簡單得多,可在大提琴課程的最初幾年演奏,也可在肖特學生版 (SE 1024) 中找到"

作曲家: Trowell, Arnold
編者: Ellis, Beverley
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Born in New Zealand Arnold Trowell (1887-1966) came to Europe for his education, where he worked until his death as a composer, musician and educator. His pedagogically motivated compositions, such as 6 Morceaux op. 20, as well as the 12 morceaux faciles pour violoncelle op. 4, are still popular today.The editor Beverley Ellis has selected movements 7-12 from opus 4 for this edition, which are graded as medium difficulty. Technical tips and suggestions for the development and interpretation of the pieces are included with this edition.The first 6 movements from op. 4, which are much easier and can be played in the first years of cello lessons, are also available in the Schott Student Edition (SE 1024).

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 40
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790001204835
UPC: 842819101888

