4 Pieces op. 17 Urtext 蘇克 小品 歌詞 小提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
約瑟夫-蘇克(Josef Suk,1824-1935 年)曾受到捷克兩位著名作曲家安東甯-德沃夏克(Antonín Dvorák)和貝德里赫-斯美塔那(Bedrích Smetana)的影響。這對蘇克的影響尤其大,因為德沃夏克也是他的岳父,這使得他的藝術解放更加困難。然而,德沃夏克去世後,他迅速找到了自己的音樂語言,並成功地走上了音樂家的道路。約瑟夫-蘇克和他剛剛去世的同名孫子一樣,也是一名小提琴家,尤其是在 1891 年成立的捷克絃樂四重奏中擔任第二小提琴。他創作的《小提琴與鋼琴四重奏》作品 17 於 1900 年出版,這無疑是他的個人作品,是一首極富浪漫主義色彩的音樂,充滿了波西米亞風情。對兩位樂器演奏家來說,這都是令人興奮的演奏曲目
作曲家: Suk, Josef
編者: Birtel, Wolfgang
校訂者: Bieler, Ida
樂器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
Quasi Ballata - Appassionato - Un poco triste - Burleska
Josef Suk (18241935) was a bit in the shadow of the two famous Czech composers Antonín Dvorák and Bedrích Smetana. This affected Suk especially because Dvorák was also his father-in-law, a fact that made his artistic emancipation all the more difficult. After Dvorák's death, however, he rapidly succeeded in finding his own musical language and in going his way as a musician. Josef Suk, like his recently deceased grandson of the same name, was also a violinist, working in particular as second violin of the Czech String Quartet founded in 1891. He wrote, surely for his own personal use, '4 Pieces for Violin and Piano' Op. 17 published in 1900 a highly romantic music spiced with Bohemian sounds. Exciting performance pieces which are rewarding for both instrumentalists.