
4. Concert Royal 庫普蘭弗朗索瓦 音樂會 長笛加鋼琴 齊默爾曼版

$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

弗朗索瓦-庫佩蘭(1668 - 1733 年)曾在凡爾賽的路易十四宮廷工作,當時音樂家們正激烈地爭論是選擇輝煌華麗的義大利風格還是自然的法國風格。庫珀林試圖將兩種風格結合起來,例如在他的皇家音樂會中,這證明了他在音樂上的優勢。樂譜,即大鍵琴部分,包含 b.c.,單獨的音符表包含主要曲調或中提琴部分,包括為有經驗的連奏樂手而設的低音線"

作曲家: Couperin, François
校訂者: Michael, Frank
樂器: flute and basso continuo
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
François Couperin (1668 - 1733) worked at the court of Louis XIV in Versailles at a time when musicians fervently disputed the question whether the brilliant ornate Italian style or the natural French style should be preferred. The fact that Couperin tried to combine both styles, e. g. in his „Concerts Royaux“, proves his musical superiority. The score, i.e. the harpsichord part, contains the b. c., the separate note sheets contain the main tune or violoncello part incl. figured bass line for the experienced continuo player.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 40
重量(g): 150
ISMN: 9790010348407
