
331 Exercises Journaliers de Mécanisme pour la Clarinette [331 Daily Exercises of Mechanism for Clarinet] 練習曲 練習曲 每日練習 豎笛

$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD
$1,120TWD - $1,120TWD

由奧古斯特-佩里埃(Auguste Périer)編寫的331 Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme是一套必備的日常練習曲,有助於培養更好的技巧。這本練習冊適合中高級演奏者,絕對能幫助單簧管演奏者提高靈活性和靈巧性。每首練習曲都非常簡短,書首還附有使用指南。奧古斯特-佩里埃(1883-1947 年)是法國單簧管演奏家,曾獲得巴黎音樂學院一等獎。後來,他曾在科米克歌劇院擔任單簧管獨奏,並在音樂學院擔任教授"

作曲家: Auguste Périer
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Written by Auguste Périer, 331 Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme is a must-have set of daily exercises that will help to develop a better technique. With exercises that fit intermediate to advanced players, this volume will definitely help the clarinet players to gain agility and dexterity. Each exercise is very short, and a guide on how to use the book is written at the beginning. Auguste Périer (1883-1947) is a French clarinettist who obtained the First Prize of the Paris Conservatoire. He was later solo clarinet at the Opéra-Comique and professor at the Conservatoire.

頁數: 12
重量(g): 85.05
UPC: 888680795979

