3 Petites Pièces Très Faciles Op. 7 for Harp Solo 豎琴
出生于法國的豎琴演奏家和作曲家馬塞爾-格蘭傑尼(Marcel Grandjany,1891-1975 年)曾在巴黎音樂學院學習,之後大部分時間在美國工作。他的 Trois petites Pièces 是格蘭強尼早期創作的作品,簡單易學,適合豎琴初學者演奏。格蘭強尼曾在茱莉亞音樂學院擔任豎琴教師長達 37 年,同時還為豎琴作曲和轉錄了許多作品。由三個樂章組成的 Trois petites Pièces 以一首精緻的 Rêverie(白日夢)開始。第二樂章是夜曲,包含節奏、時號和力度的變化。第三樂章 "巴卡洛爾"(Barcarolle)是三首樂曲中最具挑戰性的樂章,採用 6/8 拍和十六分音符。Grandjany 的 Trois petites Pièces 綜合了所有這些方面,對於豎琴初學者來說是一次激動人心的演出"
作曲家: Marcel Grandjany
樂器: Harp
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
3 Petites Pieces Tres Faciles
French born harpist and composer, Marcel Grandjany (1891-1975) studied at the Paris Conservatoire before spending much of his working life in America. His Trois petites Pièces were composed in Grandjany's early career and are simple and enjoyable works, suitable for beginner harpists. Grandjany was a teacher of harp at the Julliard School for 37 years whilst also composing and transcribing many works for the instrument. Made up of three movements, Trois petites Pièces begins with a delicate Rêverie (daydream). The second piece, a Nocturne, contains variations in tempo, time signature and dynamics. The Barcarolle third movement is the most challenging of the three pieces, in 6/8 time signature and sixteenth-note flourishes. All these combined aspects of Trois petites Pièces by Grandjany make for a thrilling performance for beginner harpists.