
26 Studies (Op. 107) de Furstenau, pour la Flute - Vol. 1 長笛

$1,310TWD - $1,310TWD
$1,310TWD - $1,310TWD

弗斯滕瑙的26首研究曲(作品107)--第1卷是馬塞爾-莫伊塞修訂的長笛兩首研究曲系列的第一卷。本書用法語、英語和德語編寫,收錄了第1至第13首練習曲,並附有如何演奏每首練習曲的注釋和說明。這些高難度的練習曲非常適合高級演奏者,有助於保持已掌握的技巧,掌握呼吸和樂器及其音色。它非常適合以演奏技巧為目標的演奏者。馬塞爾-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse)被一些音樂家譽為長笛大師,他創作了許多長笛演奏法和練習曲,這些書籍也由阿爾方斯-勒杜克(Alphonse Leduc)出版,如《Gammes et Arpèges》(1933 年)、《Exercices Journaliers》(1922 年)和《Mécanisme-Chromatisme》(1927 年)。他的方法在世界範圍內得到廣泛應用和認可"

作曲家: Marcel Mose
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
26 Studies (Op.107) by Fürstenau – Vol. 1 is the first volume of a series of two for flute revised by Marcel Moyse. Featuring the studies 1 to 13, this book is written in French, English and German and contains some comments and explanations on how to execute each study. Great for advanced players, these difficult studies will help to maintain the technique already acquired and to master their breathing as well as the instrument and its sonority. It is great for players who aim towards virtuosity. Considered as a maestro by some musicians, Marcel Moyse has composed many flute methods and exercise books which are also published by Alphonse Leduc, such as Gammes et Arpèges (1933), Exercices Journaliers (1922) and Mécanisme-Chromatisme (1927). His methods are widely used and recognised worldwide.

頁數: 30
重量(g): 147.42
UPC: 888680861490

