24 Vocalises Adapted for Trumpet 小號 聲樂練習曲
義大利歌劇男高音馬可-波爾多尼(Marco Bordogni,1789-1856 年)移居巴黎後,作為歌唱家和教師取得了巨大成功。他的 Vingt-Quatre Vocalises 一直廣受歡迎,以至於 G. Armand Porret 認為有必要將其改編為銅管樂器。在 Porret 的編曲中,小號、圓號和薩克斯管均可使用降 C 或降 B 調,並附有方便的轉調表。在五四聲部中,演奏者可以重點關注音色、抒情性、發音、動態對比、指法和氣息控制等重要方面。Vingt-Quatre Vocalises具有顯著的多功能性,兩個多世紀以來一直是聲樂家和器樂演奏家的常用輔助曲目,顯然,改編為降C或降B小號、圓號和薩克斯管演奏的Vingt-Quatre Vocalises將成為演奏家進步的重要輔助曲目"
作曲家: Giulio Marco Bordogni
校訂者: G. Armand Porret
樂器: Trumpet
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Italian operatic tenor, Marco Bordogni (1789-1856) received great success as a singer and teacher when he moved to Paris. His Vingt-Quatre Vocalises have remained popular, so much so that G. Armand Porret saw the need to adapt the studies for brass instruments. In Porret's arrangement, which is adjustable to C or Bb trumpet, cornet and saxhorn, a handy transposition table is included. The Vingt-Quatre Vocalises enable the performer to focus on tone, lyricism, articulation, dynamic contrast, fingering and breath control, among other significant aspects. Being notably versatile, and having remained a popular aid to vocalists and instrumentalists for over two centuries, it is clear that Vingt-Quatre Vocalises, adapted for C or Bb trumpet, cornet and saxhorn, would be a crucial aid to a performer's progression.