
24 Caprices in form of Etudes, in all 24 Keys 羅德 隨想曲 練習曲 小提琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
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$1,000TWD - $1,000TWD

雅克-皮埃爾-約瑟夫-羅德(Jacques Pierre Joseph Rode,1774-1830 年)的作品,尤其是他的小提琴協奏曲和本版本中的隨想曲,至今仍深受小提琴家們的喜愛。這些隨想曲在小提琴獨奏文獻中與克羅伊策、唐特、維尼亞夫斯基或帕格尼尼的作品齊名,因為它們對良好的技術和音樂訓練非常寶貴。這一版本的特別之處在於,著名小提琴教師馬克斯-羅斯塔爾(Max Rostal)為 24 首隨想曲中的每一首都編寫了預備練習,這些練習在方法上與相應隨想曲的練習內容完全一致

作曲家: Rode, Jacques Pierre Joseph
校訂者: Rostal, Max
樂器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
The compositions by Jacques Pierre Joseph Rode (1774-1830), especially his violin concertos and the caprices in this edition, have been very popular among violinists to this day. The caprices have taken on a permanent place in the solo violin literature next to those by Kreutzer, Dont, Wieniawski or Paganini since they are invaluable for a sound technical and musical training. What gives this edition its special value is that the renowned violin teacher Max Rostal wrote preparatory exercises for each of the 24 caprices which are tailor-made to match methodologically exactly the content of the exercise of the respective caprice.

語言: German - English - French
頁數: 76
重量(g): 310
ISMN: 9790001069205
ISBN: 9783795797065

