
20 Exercices et Etudes pour Flute [20 Exercises and Studes for Flute] 長笛 練習曲

$1,490TWD - $1,490TWD
$1,490TWD - $1,490TWD

莫伊塞為高級長笛演奏家提供了一本完美的學習書籍。20首長笛練習曲與研究以法語、英語和德語編寫,是不可多得的學習教材。法國長笛演奏家馬塞爾-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse,1889-1984 年)曾在巴黎音樂學院師從長笛大師菲力浦-高貝(Philippe Gaubet)、阿道夫-亨內班(Adolphe Hennebains)和保羅-塔法內爾(Paul Taffanel)。莫伊塞後來成為多個交響樂團的長笛首席,並以其標誌性的音色而聞名:清晰、靈活、穿透力強,並由快速的顫音控制。除了演奏,莫伊塞還教授長笛,並出版了大量長笛學習書籍。20練習曲與研究》重點介紹了長滑音、顫音和停頓等要素。莫伊塞本人也是一位傑出的長笛演奏家,他的20練習曲與研究內容豐富,對於有抱負的高級長笛演奏家來說必不可少

作曲家: Marcel Mose
樂器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Moyse provides the perfect study book for advanced flautists. With instructions in French, English and German, 20 Exercises and Studies for the Flute cannot be missed. French flautist, Marcel Moyse (1889-1984) studied with virtuosos Philippe Gaubet, Adolphe Hennebains and Paul Taffanel at the Paris Conservatoire. Moyse went on to become principal flute of various orchestras and became known for his trademark tone: clear, flexible and penetrating, controlled by a fast vibrato. As well as performing, Moyse also taught the flute and published a substantial number of study books for the instrument. 20 Exercises and Studies focuses on elements including long slurs, trills and pauses. Being a prominent flute player himself, Moyse's 20 Exercises and Studies is well-informed and essential to aspiring, advanced flautists.

頁數: 52
重量(g): 192.78
UPC: 888680907556

