
2 Voluntaries The Prince of Denmark's March / Trumpet Aire 克拉克耶利米 進行曲小號 小號 1把以上加鋼琴 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$280TWD - $280TWD
$280TWD - $280TWD

期以來,"小號自選曲 "一直被認為是亨利-珀塞爾(Henry Purcell)的作品,但實際上是耶利米-克拉克(Jeremiah Clarke)創作了這一小號文學的巔峰之作。該曲又名《丹麥王子進行曲》,最初是為鍵盤樂器而作。克拉克(1674-1707 年)是倫敦聖保羅大教堂的管風琴手兼唱詩班指揮,創作了許多作品,但這首美妙的作品是唯一流傳至今的作品,至今仍經常在英國的婚禮上演奏。克拉克的另一首作品《小號艾爾》也具有同樣的節日氣氛,是對這首更為人熟知的姊妹篇的理想補充

作曲家: Clarke, Jeremiah
校訂者: Beechey, Gwilym
樂器: trumpet in Bb (C) and piano
出版社: Schott Music
For a long time, the 'Trumpet Voluntary' had been considered to be a composition by Henry Purcell, but it was Jeremiah Clarke who actually composed this highlight of trumpet literature. Also known as The Prince of Denmark March, it was originally written for keyboard instruments. Clarke (1674-1707), organist and choir master at the London Saint Paul's Cathedral, composed a lot of works, but this wonderful gem is the only one that has remained alive - and is often played at weddings in England still today. The same festive character can be found in another composition by Clarke - 'Trumpet Aire', an ideal complement to the better known sister work.The two settings are now available in a well-priced single edition - to the great delight of performers and listeners alike, we are sure.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 40
ISMN: 9790001151825

